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How To Generate Leads Online Using 2 Simple Tools With Twitter


Lead generation is one of the most important income producing activities that online marketers need to do on a daily basis. In today’s market, there is a lot of competition for our customer’s attention. How can we effectively get people’s eyeballs on our brand and business? Twitter is a simple solution for online marketers who don’t have a lot of time and need massive exposure. Learn how to generate leads online with Twitter.

Twitter is the one of the top 3 social media platforms for generating highly targeted leads for your business.  An advantage that Twitter has is that it is a simple platform to set up and maintain if using a few inexpensive tools.

Getting massive exposure on Twitter requires following a lot of highly targeted people and tweeting a lot of relevant and practical information to your audience. Luckily this can be done with a few inexpensive tools. Once the tools are set up, your daily routine will be cut down to about 15 min of Twitter activity. Two tools I like to use are Statusbrew and TweetJukebox.  There are other tools that do the same thing, but these are two that I use and am getting terrific results.

Word of Caution: Using these tools can sometimes alert twitter of too much activity so use them with consideration.  Twitter will lock your account if you do not follow their guidelines so make sure to read them before using these tools.

Twitter only allows you to follow 1000 people per day and for the first 5000 followers, you cannot follow more than 10% above your followers.  So if you have 2000 followers, you cannot follow more than 2200 people. You would have to unfollow before following more.  Unfollowing can be done with Statusbrew too.

Below I highlight a few basic features of Statusbrew that can get your following up and going in no time.  For a more detailed guideline get my Twitter Automation Blueprint.

Before using these tools, make sure you have your twitter profile set up correctly which can also be found in my Twitter Automation Blueprint.

Statusbrew: Great app to use to follow and unfollow people on twitter.  Very inexpensive and worth the money.  Incredible time saver and will impact your business significantly.

  1. Best technique: use known sources to follow. Apply filters to the source to target your audience.
  1. Automate your direct message with at least 2 messages that you split test constantly.
  1. Automate welcome tweet: provide at least 30 welcome tweets so that they can be used at random and doesn’t seem so robotic.
  1. Unfollow as many accounts of people not following you back.

Social Juke Box: Also known as Tweet Juke Box, the only difference is that Social Jukebox allows you to post to Facebook.  This app is great for content distribution.  Very inexpensive app that allows you to tweet out scheduled tweets all day long.

  1. Jukeboxes:  categories you set up to allow for different things to be tweeted out at different time intervals.  With the paid plan, you are allowed up to 10 jukeboxes so use  them wisely.  Have jukeboxes for your blog posts, image quotes, motivational quotes, offers.  There are also pre made jukeboxes that can be very useful.

Watch the video above to learn more how to use these fantastic tools.  These tools will help grow your following and save you time. You will  then have more time to engage with your following, generate leads with your direct messages, tweets and offers  and convert leads to sales.

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P.S. Click here to find out how you can get more Tips, Tricks and Strategies on Building Your Network Marketing Company. 

The post How To Generate Leads Online Using 2 Simple Tools With Twitter appeared first on Lisa R. Fraser.

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